Monday, July 5, 2010

Left the Dark Clouds

I know sometimes we can get angry, got no mood or even sometimes we can laughing for something funny. Life's like that, when we unhappy, we would angry, when we're happy, we're smiling. We don't want to get angry or anything that makes us unhappy. But we got no solutions. We try to keep our happiness longer, or maybe we try to be more patience. It's only hold on a moment. If we realized that the happiness was only last for a few moments, the unhappy feeling comes closer, closer and closer. It's like a dark cloud surrounding the blue sky. A day will full with a rumpled mind. There's nothing we can do, if we let these feeling closer and closer then control our mind. But, there's something we can do. Realize that the dark clouds coming, then realize the dark cloud leaving. When we got the point and feels that the dark cloud was moving closer and leaving far, the happiness would come. It comes like a bright sunshine.

It's like the feeling of killing the pain. Balance our mind, realize that the pain comes and leaves. When we reach the point, the point that the pain was in our control, it would disappear, then happiness would come, closer and closer.